
Friday, February 04, 2011

Wanted: A Braj Kachru Bibliography

As the "father" of World Englishes, Braj Kachru has authored a staggering assortment of books and articles on the subject since the 1960s. Unfortunately, to my knowledge no one has ever assembled a complete bibliography of these works.

I'm pretty keen on the idea of comprehensive bibliographies on any scholar, and I appreciate those scholars who make their CVs available online so I don't have to run all over the place seeking their publications. Google Scholar is suitable in many cases, but Kachru is so prolific that I give up easily.

I asked Suzanne Hilgendorf, who studied with Kachru, if she could suggest anything. She suggested the following as the most essential resources (in reverse chronological order, I believe) for assembling a bibliography:

  • The Handbook of World Englishes
    Braj B. Kachru, Yamuna Kachru, Cecil Nelson
  • World Englishes in Asian Contexts
    Yamuna Kachru, Cecil L. Nelson
  • World Englishes: critical concepts in linguistics, Volume 3
    Kingsley Bolton, Braj B. Kachru
  • The Other Tongue
    Braj B. Kachru
  • The Alchemy of English
    Braj B. Kachru

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